个人简介 | Resume

class engineer {
    constructor(name, age, sex, profession) {
        this.name = name;
        this.age = age,
        this.sex = sex,
        this.profession = profession

class webDesigner extends engineer {
    constructor(name, age, sex, profession, hobbies){
        super(name, age, sex, profession);
        this.hobbies = hobbies;

    outPutSkills () {
        console.log("hello, welcome to my website");
        console.log(`i'm ${this.name}, a ${this.profession} in BJ`);
        console.log(`I have lots of hobbies, such as ${this.hobbies}`);

const me = new webDesigner('Jason', 'after 90', 'male', 'webdesigner', ['basketball','football','coding'])

------------------------ === 分割线 === ------------------------ 

const engineer = function (name, age, sex, profession) {
    this.name = name,
    this.age = age,
    this.sex = sex,
    this.profession = profession

engineer.prototype.sayHello = function () {
    console.log("hello, welcome to my website");

const webDesigner = function (name, age, sex, profession, hobbies) {
    this.name = name,
    this.age = age,
    this.sex = sex,
    this.profession = profession,
    this.hobbies = hobbies

webDesigner.prototype = new engineer()

webDesigner.prototype.introduce = function () {
    console.log(`i'm ${this.name}, a ${this.profession} in BJ`);
    console.log(`I have lots of hobbies, such as ${this.hobbies}`);

const me = new webDesigner('Jason', 'after 90', 'male', 'webdesigner', ['basketball','football','coding'])

博客目的 | Goal

记录生活的瞬间 , 分享学习的心得


技术方向 | Technology

  1. 主修课:网页三件套,小程序,Vue,React,Node
  2. 数据库:MYSQL ORACLE 用的不多,深了不会
  3. 服务器:Linux , Nginx
  4. AI软件:Photoshop,Illustrator,Mockingbot,3Dmax,Edge Animate